Simple Yet Determined

Monday, 11 August 2008


one yrs have passed...
and i am still living fine... :)
i thought i saw "you" on that day...
but didn't really go double confirm...
even though i am quite sure is you....
glad that you are doing fine...
as all the long i have been wishing and hoping to know that.... :)

the next few wks will be a xiong period of time for me....
super lots many thing for me to handle... :(
not good...

dunnoe how to handle social well....
sometime i just like or enjoy to be alone...
i dun like to do things to become someone's fav etc...
i am just not this type of person....

life is realistic...
somehow i just come to realise recently...
if you doing fine etc,
ppl will naturally will approach you or come flying toward you...
if you are doing not ok,

i used to believe and want to become a very successful person...
the term of successful define at the point of time is earn alot of money and become the top man in the field of my circle...
however as time go passed,
i redefine the meaning of successful....
it is to become a better person in term of character...
it is to become a happier person...
it is to something meaningful to help someone directly or indirectly...

i used to dream of earning bucks of money...
staying in condo...
spent anything i want to buy....

now, i just dream of becoming a happier person doing something meaningful in life...
so what if you achieved and climb the highest mountain...
till then, you will have to climb down again...
so wat is the point of doing that while in the process you trying all means to achieve it?
life is short....
enjoy and treasure the things you have now...
this is what i feel now....

i dun mind earning lesser...
as long able to feed my family fully...
able to buy things that they want/hope...
i am satisfy with my life.... :)

i want to become a successful person by earning ppl's respect....
not the amount of money that i earn...

i have lost many things during these past few yrs...
but wat i gained is the knowledge of what other ppl hardly get unless went through the same thing...
i have become a better person...
and... i am glad that i went through it before...
if not, i wun be who am i today... :)

i want to bring a camera and travel around the world...
doing things that i like...
helping ppl along the way...

i dun mind suffer anything...
cuz i noe it is the process of what i will become of...

anyway jie just want to let you noe....
we will always be there for you! :) cheer! Jia you!
everything happen for a reason...
remember that of wat u will become of during this period of time...
of what i know, u will become a better person...
this is what i believe...
this is what i chose to believe...
you can do it that too.... :)

i am really looking forward to hk trip.... :)
sis, join us when zy can walk already. :)
at that time, we can finally go oversea as one family.... :)

i am still learning.....

i want to learn as many thing as possible to improve myself..... :)
this is what i enjoy nowsday....

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

something happen for a reason....

is it nice to have someone at the other corner of the world celebrate birthday with you?
is it nice to have someone having the same birthday celebrate the same day with you?

a idea is coming..... :)

i love the feeling of feeling good...
i love the feeling of waking up feel energetic...
maybe it have been quite sometime that i feel that way.... :)

it's a painful experience to lose someone close to you....
it is even more painful when you realize once it is lose, forever it will be lost...
maybe we should learnt to look on the bright side...
and always believe that something happen for a reason...
there always have been a saying "u lose something u will get something back in return"

anyway, just cheer up and always look on the bright side...! :)
every dawn there will be sunrise....

going hk soon....
quite looking forward to it...
i will be tour guide + planner for this trip...

wooWoo..... passed my FTT at first attempt!
next will be TP....
wish me luck....!

i am getting to know what i want...
i am getting to work hard to get back....
i am getting to feel better...
i am getting to know myself better....
soon i know i will be back soon...... :)

website is halfway there.... :)

one song recently.... nice! those hightlight are those that i found it extremely meaningful....


詞: 陳綺貞 曲: 盧廣仲 周谷淳

我穿戴整齊面對 瘋狂的
世界 不管今天
面對誰 微笑是必須
就算妳不在意 我微笑的原因

不管未來 快樂 是不是
我只能 再一次 安靜作好準備

總在午夜夢醒 家徒四壁
好想把我的 全部都給你
一個人 多平凡 的期許
總在人潮散去 瞬間覺醒
從不曾揮霍 好想要揮霍

不管未來 快樂 是不是
也許早已否定 我所有的努力

卻無法一個人 點滴的 過
誰來 救我

午夜夢醒 家徒四壁
兩個人 彼此間的必須
總在人潮散去 瞬間覺醒
全身力氣得不到 片刻安寧
從不曾揮霍 好想要揮霍

從不曾揮霍 好想要揮霍

Sunday, 3 August 2008

